Clematis is a popular plant among the Highland's gardeners.  Many varieties are available mainly during Spring and Summer with a flush in Autumn.  The Montana varieties have a mass of flowers and look great along a fence or wall and are the easiest of the Clematis to grow. The hybrid varieties produces some of the most spectacular flowers.

Parthenocissus (Boston ivy, Virginia creeper) and Vitis (ornamental grape) offer some great autumn colour and tend to cling well to walls.

Banksia Rose can be trained as a climber or just let it grow into a rambling shrub. Masses of flowers in spring.

Star Jasmine is a favourite evergreen with scented flowers and is fast growing. It can also be used as a ground cover under trees or large shrubs.

Wisteria looks awesome over a pergola with many varieties available.

Some other varieties include Hardenbergia and Gelsemium.