Growing you own vegetables has become increasingly popular over the last few years.  They are of course are seasonal, unless you have a hothouse you can grow in during the cooler months. There are some that you can grow all year round as well.

Cool Season Vegetables -   Broad Beans, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Onions, Peas, Spinach and Turnips.

Intermediate Season Vegetables: Beetroot, Carrot, Parsnip, Celery, Leek, Lettuce, Radish, Silverbeet and Kale.

Warm Season vegetables: Beans, Capsicum, Chillies, Eggplant, Potato, Sweet corn, Sweet potato, Tomato, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Pumpkins.

Lots of herbs are available to grow.  You can also use them in your flowerbeds for added texture and fillers.